Book by Maine Mystery Book Author Paul Doiron is Used as a Class Text

The first book in Paul Doiron‘s excellent mystery series featuring Maine Game Warden Mike Bowditch was used as a class text in a sophomore English class at Dexter Regional High School in Dexter, Maine. Then the teacher and school librarian invited Mr. Doiron to speak to the students and answer questions about the book and writing in general. I say, “Three Cheers” to the teachers who chose the book and used it to promote language, literature, writing, and life-long reading!! What a great idea!

Read the local news story here.

The story is good news for Doiron. More importantly, it is good news about a public high school. I love it when schools successfully engage students in the process of learning.

With some 50,000 new mystery books each year, it is no small thing to be nominated for an Edgar Award by the Mystery Writers of America. Just one credential in Mr. Doiron’s cap, validating the school’s choice for a book.

Here’s another feather in his cap (wink). Of the 240 books read by our Mystery Book Club, only a very tiny percentage of those books get an average rating by our club of 92, but The Poacher’s Son by Paul Doiron (we read it in August, 2016) was one of those very few books. It’s not easy to get ALL of us to like a particular book, but he did it!

In this era of schools banning books more than ever before, I am happy to read that this school in Maine had the creativity, wisdom, and perseverance to choose The Poacher’s Son as a selection for the entire class. Fantastic. A solid choice.

The Poacher’s Son was the first book, published in 2010. Doiron has just now released the 13th book in his series, Hatchet Island.

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